Mari Carmen Suárez de Figueroa Baonza

Áreas de especialización: Lectura Fácil

Formación: Informática

País: España

Provincia: Madrid

Tipo de investigadora/profesional: Profesora Contratada Doctora

Fecha de lectura de la tesis: 15/06/2010

Institución: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)

Grupo de investigación: Ontology Engineering Group

Twitter: @MCarmenSuarezF


Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa, PhD. is a lecturer at the Artificial Intelligence Department of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) since 2008 and a senior researcher at the Ontology Engineering Group (OEG) since 2002. In addition, she is the Academic Secretary of the Artificial Intelligence Department at UPM since 2017.
She graduated in Computer Science in 2001 and got the PhD in Artificial Intelligence, with European mention, in 2010. She has received an Outstanding Award granted by the UPM PhD Commission.
Her earlier research lines included ontology development methodologies, ontology evaluation, ontology reuse and ontology design patterns. In these areas, she has participated in several European and Spanish projects (SlideWiki, BuscaMedia, mIO!, NeOn, SEEMP, REIMDOC, OntoGrid, Knowledge Web, PIKON, Esperonto and OntoWeb). Currently, her research is focused (a) on applying artificial intelligence techniques to achieve the so-called cognitive accessibility and (b) on investigating different aspects of the inclusive artificial intelligence. In these research areas she has leaded one internal project at UPM and one bi-lateral project with University of Oxford, and she is the leader of a project funded by Fundación ONCE (ONCE Foundation for Cooperation and Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities).
She has been a research visitor at University of Liverpool in 2004, at KMi (Open University) in 2007, at IRIT (Toulouse) in 2012, and at NUIG (Galway) in 2019.
She is co-editor of the book «Ontology Engineering in a Networked World» (Springer 2012). In addition, she published her PhD thesis in IOS Press in 2012.
She co-organized sessions, conferences, workshops, and tutorials in international events such as ISWC 2019, ISWC 2018, ICTERI 2018, EKAW 2016, ESWC 2014, TKE 2012, ISWC 2012, EKAW 2012, EKAW 2008, ESWC 2008, and WWW 2006.

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